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Who can benefit from soft tissue therapy?
Everyone could at some point in their life benefit from soft tissue therapy.
Physical and postural changes occur as a result of injury, illness or the everyday stresses & strains placed on our body and these can cause musculoskeletal imbalances. When one muscle isn't functioning effectively, it has a knock on effect on others, which will eventually impact on the ability to move freely or without pain.
Soft tissue therapy is used to treat everyday strains, sprains and pains, as well as helping to alleviate symptoms from chronic health conditions that affect the muscles and joints.
For sports people, soft tissue therapy & massage can treat & prevent injury, prepare the body for activity, speed up recovery and maintain optimal condition.
Massage can also be used to trigger the release of hormones, to provide a relaxing, calming and mood boosting treatment that many people enjoy, to reduce stress & provide a sense of wellbeing.
What can I expect during my appointment?
Appointments normally start with a discussion about the reason for visit and details of any injury, issues or pain. Postural assessment and a range of movement and muscle testing may be undertaken. This enables understanding of the cause of the issue & appropriate treatment of symptoms with a range of techniques.
Clients respond differently to treatment, so communication between you and your therapist is important during the session.
What does the treatment involve?
Treatment typically includes traditional massage and a variety of advanced techniques.
Soft tissue release:
A method of stretching that causes a relaxation in excessively tense muscles.
Neuromuscular Techniques (NMT):
Trigger points can develop around an area of trauma to protect it from further damage. NMT is the application of deep pressure on these trigger points which is thought to interrupt the neural pathways, causing a relaxation in areas of tension.
Muscle Energy Techniques (MET):
METs use muscle contraction and resistance to create a neural response that cause the muscles to relax. It used to release muscle tension and improve range of movement.
Joint Mobilisations:
Mobilisation of peripheral & vertebral joints using Maitland mobilisation techniques (grade 4) may be used alongside massage therapy techniques. The application of mobilisations can be extremely effective in restoring range & movement to a stiff joint, relieving pain and in the rehabilitation stages following injury, trauma and surgery.​
For information on Dry Cupping Therapy, see the article on our Advice page.
What happens after my appointment?
Manual therapy can sometimes leave you a bit achy or even a little sore. You may feel relaxed or tired, all of which is quite normal.
Clients are encouraged to understand the causes of their issue and where appropriate, will be given a rehabilitation plan consisting of strengthening, stretching and mobility exercises, to assist recovery and prevent injury reoccurrence.
How many appointments will I need?
If you have an injury, the number of sessions needed will be variable and any on-going treatment will be recommended by your therapist. In some cases, one session with the right aftercare can be enough, but it's very much dependent upon the individual and the circumstances.
As part of a regular preventative or maintenance plan, treatment every 2-6 weeks is ideal, but this is very much dependant upon your circumstances, levels of activity, and of course budget. Discounted package offers are available for on-going or regular treatment plans.
What should I wear for my appointment?
You can bring loose shorts get changed into, alternatively you may be asked to undress down to underwear. Towels are used throughout to maintain comfort and dignity.
Long hair should be tied up and bras with a back fastening are preferable.
Do you have a cancellation policy?
Clients are asked to provide at least 24 hours notice when cancelling or re-scheduling appointments. Failure to do so may incur a charge.
To view our full cancellation policy and all of our T&Cs please click here